Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dance Like Elaine...we all doing it

This is my first entry in my first blog! Wow if you would have asked me yesterday if I would write a blog, I would have laughed in your face and said NO WAY.
I was doing some research for my web site (I will tell you more about that later) and was reading blogs. After reading a bunch, I thought what a fun way to share the funnies of life. So I am giving it a try.

My life revolve around my kids, cleaning house, updating my web site and an occasional Mojito (they are soooo good, I could drink 10 of them!)

My Life - Today my daughter (3 yrs almost 4 yrs) had dance class. Since she could walk she would dance around the house all day. So I thought she would be a natural at dance class. HAHAHAH Oh my gosh! Once a week I take her to class and then an hour later my face hurts from laughing. They take 30 minutes of ballet and 30 minutes of tap. The ballet is not that bad, 8 little girls and 1 boy walking around on their toes. Now tap is a different story. Have you ever seen the Seinfeld when Elaine dances... you know where she kicks her feet out and stick her thumbs out. Well tap looks like 9 little mini- Elaines dancing. I will keep you updated....there is a recital in a few months.
My Web Site - I have a great local web site I am trying to get up and running
www.kidsinstl.com. I spend almost any free moment on the site updating, changing or developing new pages. I started this site with another stay at home mommy, we are pretty proud of it. Check it out.
My Funny - My kids always do something to make me laugh! It was very quite in the house. My daughter was at preschool so it was just me and my 2yr old son. I went looking for him and found him in my daughter's room. He was sitting in the middle of her room with little Polly pockets and Barbie’s all around him... and they were all naked! When I asked him what he was doing he held one up and yelled NAKED!
One of my Favorite Things - I have this great shower curtain with big pockets on the inside from top to bottom. My husband and I keep our razors and stuff in the top pockets out of reach of little hands. The bottom pockets hold all the bath toys. I love it no tub net that always fall or toys to step on.


Frances said...

I just noticed you blog listed on themomblogs! Welcome to blogging. I just recently start blogging again myself.

I can only imagine how funny it is to watch little ones dance. My daughter is only 15 months old, so not in dance yet.. I can't wait though!

NH Yocal said...

That's too funny. My daughter is 18 months and loves to dance. I can't wait to sign her up for classes. I bet she will be dancing like Elaine too.

Love that shower curtain idea. That sounds cool.

kidsinstl said...

I highly recommend you both to sign your girls up for dance, if only for the laugh factor. It does also give the kids help with coordination.