Thursday, February 7, 2008

Dried Up Food Stuck to His Coat

My Life – Ok… I am such a sorry sack! I worked out Monday and I am still soooo sore. I need to kick it up more than once a week…haha.

Today was school for my daughter. I have really enjoyed these days alone with my little guy. For two years it was just me and my daughter. Ever since my son was born it is almost like I have one big kid with 4 arms. Most of the time they are like one individual with twice the reach. So this year when my daughter stated pre-school it was the first time I really was able to spend a lot of time alone with my son. I can actually say I really dig him and I enjoy his company. Many days we go to Borders or Starbucks have a cup of joe and talk or read. He is only 2 ½ but does a good job of holding up his side of the conversation.

Today was another day of dance and it was observation day. So Daddy comes to watch his princess dance… oh boy. Well, Sophia was in rare form and was not listening to the teacher at all. When all the pretty little ballerina’s were doing their toe pointing, my wild child was off in the corner acting like she was at a rave. My husband was so mad! He thinks it is a waste of money if she is not going to listen. The class ended with tap and Sophia’s listening skills were still not very sharp. Not a great day for Daddy to see his lil’ darling shine.

My Web Site –

Today was our big development meeting. By big meeting I mean, sitting on the couch with my friend talking about our site while she feeds her newborn. Haha.
We talked about setting up a new page on our site about ‘Green Living’. Going green is a hot topic right now, so I am very excited. We also are setting up some audio clips of some great children’s songs. Check it out on our Home Page and also under our Educational & Interactive Activities Page. Here is a list of some of the activities going on around St Louis the next couple of days. Go to the site for more detail.
Hey for all of you that are not in St Louis, I want to share one of the many other parts of my site that can be used by anyone regardless of where they live. Here is one of the Kid Recipes from the site – To see the whole list check out our site.
Recipes for Kids
1/3 Cup Sugar4 Cups Cold Water1 Cup Cornstarch
Mix all ingredients and heat until it begins to thicken, stirring constantly. Cool. Divide mixture equally into three containers and add food coloring. One color per container. Add three heaping tablespoons full of each color to a Ziploc bag. Seal the bag and tape it closed. Have the children knead their bag to mix the colors.

My Funny – I often try to play some kind of word games with my kids while in the car. One of our favorite games is I-Spy. We take turned finding things in the car of a certain color while every tries to guess what item we have picked out. It was my turn and ‘I-Spied’ something that was brown. The answer I was looking for was the brown giraffe that was on the floor of the car. My daughter gave me a couple answers that were wrong. So she looked around then yelled out I KNOW….. THE CHEWED UP PIECE OF DRIED FOOD STUCK ON OWEN’S COAT. Oh Gross! But I was laughing so hard, I had to tell her, she was right.

One of my Favorite Things – With infants and kids comes stains on clothes. And if your house is like mine, often stains that get washed dried and remain on the clothes. I have tried many stain removers to try to get set in stains. Some kind of worked and many did not work at all. Then a friend told me to try Dreft Stain Remover. Yep, it is the same brand of the baby detergent. For what ever reason, Dreft Stain Remover is very hard to find. I finally found it at Target. If you have a stain, spray it with the Dreft rub it in a bit then let it sit for about 10 minutes. Wash it up and most of the time the stain will be gone. I love it!

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