Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thank God for Good Little Boys and Grandma's

My Life – Good Golly…this has been a rough week! My daughter and I have been very sick. It has been 7 days of fever, vomit, and hackin’…..will it ever end? This week has been the sickest I have been in at least 6 years. AND this was the first time ever I had to call someone over to my house to take care of my kids. I was so sick I could not get out of bed and my daughter was sick in her bed. This left my 2 year old basically on his own running the house. He thought that was pretty cool. So I called Grandma to come over. Boy what a hard thing it was for me to admit I could not physically take care of my family.
Well, we both just started rounds of antibiotics, so hopefully this is the start of the end. This will be a short log because I know that no one wants to hear the gross details of the last few days. However, this is what I will say…..
Why at day four of being sick with a fever, you just have a virus and need to ride it out….. but if you wait it out to day 7 then they will give you meds. I know that the docs have to be so careful because they get so many ‘frequent fliers’ in their offices, but antibiotics 3 days ago would have saved my 4 yr old from days of misery. Oh well, that is it… I will get off my soap box. We are all on our way to getting healthy.
I did not get to work for the last few days. Way to sick. But please still check it out! Here is a list of some of the activities going on around St Louis the next couple of days. Go to the site for more detail.
Sun Feb 17th
Hey for all of you that are not in St Louis, I want to share one of the many other parts of my site that can be used by anyone regardless of where they live. Here is a recipe from our Kid Sensory Section. From the home page click on the Kid Sensory Recipes button– To see the whole list check out our site.
1 Cup Warm Water1 Cup White GlueFood Coloring1 Cup Warm Water with 1 Tabl Borax dissolved into it
Mix together 1 cup water and glue. Add food coloring. Pour in the water and Borax mixture. The reaction will happen immediately. Stir, lift out gak and drain excess water from bowl. Work gak with hands until smooth.

My Funny – Not many funny things to laugh about in the last few days. But I do have a small chuckle for you. I did manage to make it to the couch yesterday so my 2 yr old would not totally be on his own. He was actually being very good, just playing with cars. He walked over to me and asked if he could get me a drink, I smiled and told him no thank you. He then told me he was going to get something to eat. I said ok, but tell me what. He went to the frig, and walked into the family room carrying an 8 pack of drinkable yogurt. He sat on the chair and in the most grownup way said, ‘I will drink this whole pack, ok?’. I had to chuckle, and tell him no not OK and only take one out at a time. He was ok with that because I think he knew I did not have much fight left in me to stop him when he had his 2nd or 3rd drinkable. Luckily, he ran out of tummy space for the remaining pack!
One of my Favorite Things – One sentence….. A healthy family. I will leave it at that.

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