Sunday, February 24, 2008

Tile Shopping…. There is a winner and a Loser

It was a crazy weekend! Friends over for pizza and cards on Friday, birthday party on Sat and the ever so fun tile shopping on Sunday.

The first time my husband and I went tile shopping for the kitchen we took the kids. Big Mistake! We went to this place called Hoods. It is a huge rusty shed that leaks when it rains that is so dirty and it is filled with wonderful contractor’s surplus. The great thing about Hoods is that you can get interior building supplies very cheap and the bad thing is that it is just all thrown in piles so you have to dig to find the things you want. Anyway, as I said we took the kids and my daughter Sophia decided to take a short run… fall over a brick and bust her mouth open. Real nice…. Uggg. It was not very bad but you know how a facial wound bleeds….gushing everywhere.

When it was decided to try to find tile again we knew the kids had to take a visit to Aunt Tina’s. So we drop the kids off and on to the tile stores. If it was only that easy.
When we bought this house 2 year ago my husband (the architect) said he was not interested in the interior decorating, that it was all me. Yea … right…. Wrong. Well, my husbands interest in home dĂ©cor has changed. He wants to “help” decide everything regardless how miniscule. It has been painful.

We went to 4 stores and my husband found the one he liked in the first. It is a nice natural stone but sort of dark shades. I found the one I liked in the last store. Here is the problem, this is really not something you can compromise on… one person loses and one wins. You can’t tile a room with two completely different styles of tiles.

My ‘I don’t care how we decorate’ husband has suddenly turned into Martha Stewart and states why his tile is the only one that will work in our kitchen. Oh please. So here I stand….. sick of looking at tile, wanting lunch and gauging how much I really care if I don’t love the tile in my kitchen. I was going to lose the ‘Tile Fight’. I tell my husband he wins, buy what ever he wants. He tries to tell my there should not be a loser when buying tile, that should both love the tile. Easy to say when he is the Winner!

Here is what the tile looks like:

We close this chapter with - new tile that will look fine, the knowledge that there is a winner and a loser in the tile war and finally (chuckling) the realization that my husband will not get around to installing this tile for months.

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1 comment:

Dapoppins said...

There was gushing?

I chuckled about your husband...yes in some things, compromise will just have to mean...YOUR WAY...