Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Not Everything Takes Batteries!

My Life – Monday was not only back to school for my daughter but it was also show and tell day. They have a show and tell day once a month and it is always a big production to figure out what she is taking. I try to suggest things, but I want her to make the final decision. From when she woke up through the next 2 hours she changed her mind 20 times. First it was a toy pony, then a book, then her princess dress….. what ever…pick one! Geeezzz. There was one item in her room that she cherishes but I never suggested for her to take it, a very breakable Cinderella snow globe. However, I it would be a great show and tell things, so I suggested the snow globe. Oh boy was she thrilled. She took it to school and show and tell was a huge success.

While my daughter was at school, I decided to go to the gym. They have a daycare at Club Fitness, so my son loves going there. Now I must make it clear – If I make it to the gym once a week…. I am doing good. I wish I had more motivation! I feel good about myself after I go…who knows. Anyway, I worked out….oh gosh I am so sore today. It hurts to pick up my coffee cup. How out of shape can I be!

My Web Site – http://www.kidsinstl.com/
Last night I worked on the ‘At home Extension Activities’ for the calendar. It you go to the site, you will see that everyday we have one craft that can be done at home that kind of goes in line with one the items on the calendar. It is a lot work finding these projects, so I hope someone is using them! HAHA. I am still working on this summer camp list, uggg. It never ends. Here is a sample of some of the activities for the next couple of days. Go to the site http://www.kidsinstl.com/ for more detail.
Hey for all you people that are not in St Louis, I want to share one of the many other parts of my site that can be used by anyone regardless of where they live. Here is one of our ‘Kid Sensory Recipes’
1½ Cups Flour1 ½ Cups Cornmeal1 Cup Salt1 Cup Water
Mix all ingredients together in bowl. If mixture seems dry, add very small amounts of water until smooth dough is formed.

My Funny – We are kind of trying to potty train my son. He is 2 1/2 yrs old, so he is getting to the age, but I am not going to turn commando on him yet. A few times a day I will ask him if he wants to go sit on the potty (he still wears diapers). He will still and actually go pee pee almost every time. The problem is going poop on the toilet! I just can’t seem to get him to go. Yesterday he ate a big lunch and I knew it was just a matter of time. I have him sitting on the potty and I was reading to him. We sat there for a long time and I suggested for him to try to push. He did try then looked up at me and as serious as he could tell me – “Poop won’t come out because my wiener is broke and needs new batteries.” I laughed so hard I almost feel off the tub edge. I then had to explain that poop does not come out of his wiener and it will never need batteries.

One of my Favorite Things – This has become one of my favorite things because I hate to clean sand off my floor. My kids received a bunch of that moon sand for Christmas presents. They love it and I hate it! I would sit them at the table with trays and tell them to be very careful. Minutes later the floor would be covered in sand then it would be tracked all over the house. I stared to tell the kids that the moon sand was only an outside toy, but it is winter time…not a very good time to sit outside and play. I knew I needed to figure out a way they could play with this sand that made everyone happy. I decided to take my long wrapping paper Rubbermaid container and empty it out. I put all the moon sand in it! It is long enough for both kids to play with out sitting on top of each other and the sides are high enough to keep most of the sand contained. Now see that I said ‘most’ of the sand. There was still a mess to clean up, but it was something I could live with and not make my head explode.

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