Saturday, February 2, 2008


My Life Went down to the Mardi Gras Parade with the hubby today. I set up not one but two babysitters and pre-ordered a pizza to be delivered to my house for dinner. My first sitter has the breakfast to lunch shift then the next one came to take the lunch to dinner shift. It worked out pretty good. The parade was a blast. We actually bought tickets to be in a private tent. This was the first time we did this and we will never do it any other way. They had all the food, drink, heaters, and private porta potties. We were just ½ block from the parade route, so we actually see the parade from our party site. However if you wanted beads you had to go down to the street. So of course we went down. I just happened to be standing with most of my guy friends. It took me a while to realize that they were not yelling for beads, but pulling beads out of these big bags and throwing them to the people on the floats. The people on the floats were quite surprised to get pelted with beads, and it actually made them throw even more at us. At first I did not want to throw the beads. Then I gave in and threw my first on and the guy on the float caught it. I was hooked! I didn’t catch and keep another bead. What a blast!
Today I am researching activities for the calendar. I am always looking for new family activities around town. If any one knows of some good things, drop me a note. Also still working on my summer camp list, boy what a lot of information! Here is a peak of some of the activities for the next couple of days.
12 PM - 3 PMDelta Dental Mardi Gras, Family Style
12 PM - 4 PMREI Climbing Pinnacle
2 PM - 3 PMFolktales and More Magic House
9 AM - 10 AMInfant Play Cooper Ella
7 PM - 8 PMPj Story Time Sachs Branch
7 PM - 8 PMStorytelling - Stories from the World Village - Thornhill Library

My Funny – My daughter will be 4 in one month and she is miss independent about everything. Picking out her outfits and getting dressed by herself is a daily requirement. So like every morning after breakfast she went in her room and got dressed. Later the morning she was chasing her brother around the house and I noticed she was running funny. When I asked her what was wrong she said her tummy hurt. I went through the normal list of questions, are you hungry, do you need to go potty, etc and nothing. So I put up her shirt to look at her belly and I notice her underwear is strangling her. When she got dress this morning her stepped threw the wrong hole and had the leg hole around her waist!

One of my Favorite Things – This kind of goes with my funny of the day. Since my daughter wants pick her own clothes out now, she would often walk around in some pretty funky outfits. I wanted a solution to make us both happy. I bought one of them closet inserts that has a slot for each day of the week. Now I make sure that 5 matching outfits are always in her slots and she gets to pick the outfit she wants… and it matches!! Win – Win for everyone!

1 comment:

Frances said...

Mardi Gras parades are SO much fun. I have been in both Galveston and New Orleans. I can't wait to take Hailie to the kids parade next year.

The picture of your daughter is absolutely adorable!