Monday, February 18, 2008

The Human Lint Roller..... ugggg.

My Life – If you have dogs you will be able to relate to this post and if you are allergic or anti-dog you just might be a little afraid.
I am sitting at the table drinking my morning coffee and it has just stared to snow. I tell my little guy to look at the snow and he then tells me he can make it snow inside.

I said really… how? Owen proceeded to crawl behind my living room chair, and then he comes out and puts his hand over the blowing heating vent. Puff…. Up billowing through the air goes a handful of white dog hair. I am not sure whether to laugh or be grossed out… I was a little of both. Owen then yells, ‘It’s snowing!’.

Just a couple of days ago Sophia was laying on the ground in her footie pj’s holding on to the end of a blanket and Owen was pulling her around the house. After a few rounds around the room, they were standing there laughing. When I asked them what is so funny. My daughter turns to me and says, “I am a big lint roller!” Her footie pj’s are covered in dog hair. Yuk!

Welcome to my world of two kids and two dogs that shed like crazy. I sweep, vacuum and dust mop everyday but there is still dog hair. Oh well, I guess I will just call in the ‘Human Lint Roller’ when things get out of hand.

My Web Site –

Just about finished the Summer Camp List! Boy what a big job. Here is a list of some of the activities going on around St Louis the next couple of days. Go to the site for more detail.

Feb 21st
9:30 AM - 10:30 AMPBS Kids Share A Story
10:30 AM - 11:30 AMTap! Tap! Tap! Woodpeckers
11 AM - 11:45 AMWhere Art and Play Go Hand in Hand
6 PM - 8 PMREI Climbing Pinnacle

Hey for all of you that are not in St Louis, I want to share one of the many other parts of my site that can be used by anyone regardless of where they live. Here is a partial list of some of our favorite baby songs with links. From the home page click on the Educational & Interactive Activities button, then go to songs – To see the whole list check out our site.
Favorite Baby Songs
ABC song

Row, row, row your boat

5 Green Speckled Frogs

One of my Favorite Things – Mr. Clean Eraser! Oh My have you tried one! This little sucker gets stains off almost everything. Crayon or marker on almost anything…. Rubs right off. Spiffs up dirty white sneakers super fast. Now be a smart parent, don’t wipe your kids skin with this item. It is a cleaner, just like Windex. Would you ever spray your kid down with Windex and buff him to shine.

1 comment:

Beth from the Funny Farm said...


I'd think that was both funny and gross at the same time too.

:-) Beth